Global Comparative Analysis

The core objective of this deliverable is:
- Finding a common framework for SI development by analyzing the current methodologies available at the EU level to design and implement SI projects with the aim of selecting and making accessible the most effective ones to support SEED’s CCs. The overall framework will be accompanied with tools and methods that will support SEED’s activities with end users (managing authorities and individual social innovators) and will be used to run the three SEED pilots under Task 2.3 and will be available in the learning repository in T2.5. They will also support the capacity-building activities under T3.2 to build SI competences in public administrations and ESF authorities.
- Exploring best practices of intermediary support for SI on different scales of implementation: national, regional, municipal, community, etc. to inform the co-design of SEED’s CCs by understanding how other centers operate, how they support an ecosystem, how they interact with system actors and how they sustain themselves. The benchmarking analysis followed a structured, qualitative process:
- identification of key topics to be explored as resulting from consortium conversations and objectives
- an initial meta-analysis of 59 cases of centers for social innovation across Europe and globally
- the adoption of a set of criteria leading to the selection of relevant cases for deeper analysis
- the integrated analysis and discussion of a set of case studies and
- the triangulation of results to draw evidence-based findings and conclusions