Twinning Program

The transnational dimension of the consortium will be guaranteed through the establishment of a process of exchanges with the other consortia funded by the call (BiuCaSus, ESIA, Fuse, PenCIL and SI Plus) and will be ensured by the following main actions:
- Developing and facilitating peer and mutual learning hybrid events and best practice sharing activities; (Search, watch and attend other consortia’s webinars, podcacts etc.)
- Involving some international experts from other consortia in the design and provision of capacity building program
- Comparison and sharing of the project results and lessons learnt with the other winners in order to exchange and obtain recommendations and external insights -comparative benchmarking; (Creation of an expert table/index/matrix to propose, specific experts from other consortia)
- The participation to an international learning-by-doing workshop, co-organised by several consortia to share practices and experience gained
- the implementation of an experts board composed by representatives of several consortia funded in the call to implement a peer to peer evaluation process of the project results.
Overall, a sustainable mechanism is needed to be established in order to secure the future long-term promised relationship with and between the transnational peers. All the above goals will be achieved by interactive and participatory ways such as:
- searching, watching and attending other consortia’s activities like webinars, podcasts, workshops etc
- creating an expert table/ index/matrix
- searching representative experts from other consortia, etc.