1o Online Workshop Κοινωνικής Καινοτομίας
Διαδικτυακό Εργαστήριο: "1o Online Workshop Κοινωνικής Καινοτομίας: Συνδημιουργία Κοινότητας & Εργαλεία". Τετάρτη 15 Φεβρουαρίου, 19:00, Διαδικτυακα. Κλείστε το δωρεάν εισητήριο σας εδώ!

Δωμάτια Διαλόγου
Δημιουργήσαμε Δωμάτια Διαλόγου ώστε να μπορείτε να επικοινωνείτε ζωντανά μεταξύ σας, να αντάλλαζετε απόψεις, να μαθαίνετε νέα και να ξεκινάτε συνεργασίες με άλλους πολίτες που ασχολούνται με την Κοινωνική Καινοτομία. Μπείτε στην Ελληνικό Δίκτυο Κοινωνικής Καινοτομίας μέσα από τα διαδραστικά Δωμάτια Διαλόγου.

Working package 1 aims to map and connect the ecosystems for social innovation in each country. In particular, it aims at examing and analysix deeply of the national ecosystems, as well as the detection of obstacles and opportunities, good practice and study of interesting cases. The 4 countries' mapping of the SEED network took place during autumn 2021, following a common methodology and using the definition of ESF + for SI as the basis for the detection of actions.

Global Comparative Analysis
Finding a common framework for SI development by analyzing the current methodologies available at the EU level to design and implement SI projects with the aim of selecting and making accessible the most effective ones to support SEED’s CCs. The overall framework will be accompanied with tools and methods that will support SEED’s activities with end users (managing authorities and individual social innovators) and will be used to run the three SEED pilots under Task 2.3 and will be available in the learning repository in T2.5. They will also support the capacity-building activities under T3.2 to build SI competences in public administrations and ESF authorities.

National workshops
The first greek two-day (national) workshop for social innovation was carried out within the framework of WP2 and the planning of the organisational and operational model of the Centres in all participating countries, after an analysis of the obstacles, opportunities and conclusions generated by WP1.

Twinning Program
The transnational dimension of the consortium will be guaranteed through the establishment of a process of exchanges with the other consortia funded by the call (BiuCaSus, ESIA, Fuse, PenCIL and SI Plus) and will be ensured by the following main actions: Developing and facilitating peer and mutual learning hybrid events and best practice sharing activities; (Search, watch and attend other consortia’s webinars, podcacts etc.)

Capacity Building Webinar
It aims to support the parts of the social innovation ecosystem such as the local field agencies, the national managing authorities of the ESF, the academic community, etc., in order to develop internal cognitive mechanisms for the greater development of social innovation in their countries . Social innovation is a sustainable development pillar, linked to the social economy, requires the provision of information and effective guidance to change agents and beneficiaries from it.